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2:1  But speak thou those things that beseem wholesome teaching; [Forsooth speak thou the things that become wholesome teaching;]
2:2  that old men be sober, chaste, prudent, whole in faith, in love, and patience;
2:3  also old women in holy habit, not slanderers [not backbiters, or saying false blame on other men], not serving much to wine, well-teaching, that they teach prudence.
2:4  Admonish thou young women, that they love their husbands, that they love their children;
2:5  and that they be prudent, chaste, sober, having care of the house, benign, subject to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
2:6  Also admonish young men, that they be sober.
2:7  In all things give thyself ensample of good works, in teaching, in wholeness, in firmness.
2:8  An wholesome word [An whole word], and unreprovable; that he that is of the contrary side, be ashamed, having none evil thing to say of you.
2:9  Admonish thou servants to be subject to their lords; in all things pleasing, not again-saying,
2:10  not defrauding, but in all things showing good faith, that they honour in all things the doctrine of God, our Saviour [that they adorn in all things the doctrine of God, our Saviour].
2:11  For the grace of God, our Saviour, hath appeared to all men,
2:12  and taught us, that we forsake wickedness and worldly desires, and live soberly, and justly, and piously in this world, [teaching us, that we, forsaking unpiety, and worldly desires, live soberly, and justly, and piously, in this world,]
2:13  abiding the blessed hope and the coming of the glory of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
2:14  that gave himself for us, to again-buy us from all wickedness [that he should again-buy us from all wickedness], and make clean to himself a people acceptable, and follower of good works.
2:15  Speak thou these things, and admonish thou, and reprove thou with all commandment; no man despise thee. [Speak thou these things, and admonish, and argue, or reprove, with all commandment; no man despise thee.]