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3:1  Finally, my brothers, be rejoicing in the Lord. To be writing the same things to you is not troublesome for me, and is safe for you—
3:2  Be watching-out-for the dogs, be watching out for the evil workers, be watching out for the mutilation.
3:3  For we are the circumcision, the ones worshiping in the Spirit of God and boasting in Christ Jesus and not putting-confidence in the flesh—
3:4  though myself having confidence even in the flesh! If any other person thinks that he may put-confidence in the flesh, I more—
3:5  in circumcision the eighth day; from the nation of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew from Hebrews; in relation to the Law— a Pharisee;
3:6  in relation to zeal— persecuting the church; in relation to the righteousness in the Law— having been blameless.
3:7  But what things were gains to me, these I have regarded to be a loss for the sake of Christ.
3:8  But more than that, I am indeed regarding all things to be a loss for the sake of the surpassing greatness of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for the sake of Whom I suffered-loss-of all things and am regarding them as garbage in order that I might gain Christ
3:9  and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness from the Law but the one through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God on the basis of faith—
3:10  that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection and the partnership of His sufferings, being conformed to His death
3:11  if somehow I might attain to [the power of] the resurrection-out from the dead.
3:12  Not that I already obtained it or have already been made-perfect, but I am pressing-on to see if I may indeed take-hold-of  that for which also I was taken hold of by Christ Jesus.
3:13  Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold, but one thing I do: forgetting the things behind and stretching-toward the things ahead,
3:14  I am pressing-on toward the goal for the prize of the upward calling from God in Christ Jesus.
3:15  Therefore, all who are mature— let us be thinking this. And if you are thinking anything differently, God will reveal this also to you.
3:16  Nevertheless, to what thinking we attained, by the same let us be walking-in-line.
3:17  Be fellow-imitators of me, brothers, and be watching the ones walking in this manner, just as you have us as a pattern.
3:18  For many walk as to whom I was often saying to you, and now even weeping say, they are the enemies of the cross of Christ—
3:19  whose end is destruction, whose god is their stomach and glory is in their shame— the ones thinking the earthly things.
3:20  For our place-of-citizenship is in the heavens, from where also we are eagerly-awaiting the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
3:21  Who will transform the body of our lowliness so as to be similar-in-form to the body of His glory, according-to the working that enables Him also to subject all things to Himself.