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1:1  From Paul and Timothy [2:19–24; Acts 16:1–5; 1 Cor. 16:10–11; 1 and 2 Timothy], ·servants [slaves; bondservants] of Christ Jesus. To all of ·God’s holy people [T the saints] in Christ Jesus who live in Philippi [C a city located in Macedonia, present-day northern Greece; Acts 16], including your ·overseers [T bishops; C perhaps the same as elders] and ·deacons [servants; ministers]:
1:2  Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
1:3  I thank my God every time I remember you,
1:4  always praying with joy for all of you.
1:5  I thank God for ·the help you gave me [L your partnership/participation] in ·spreading the Good News [L the Good News/Gospel] from the first day you believed until now.
1:6  God began doing a good work in you, and I am ·sure [confident; persuaded] he will continue it until it is ·finished [completed; perfected] ·when Jesus Christ comes again [L on the day of Christ Jesus; C the final day of judgment and reward].
1:7  And I know that I am right to think like this about all of you, because ·I have you in my [or you have me in your] heart. All of you ·share [are partners/co-sharers] in God’s grace with me while I am in ·prison [chains; C Paul is probably writing from house arrest in Rome, about ad 60; see Acts 28:30–31] and while I am defending and ·proving the truth of [confirming] the ·Good News [Gospel].
1:8  [L For] God ·knows [L is my witness] that I ·want [long] to see you very much, because I love all of you with the ·love [affection] of Christ Jesus.
1:9  This is my prayer for you: that your love will ·grow [increase; abound] more and more; that you will have knowledge and ·understanding [insight; discernment] with your love;
1:10  that you will ·see the difference between good and bad and will choose the good [L discern/test and prove what is best]; that you will be pure and ·without wrong [blameless] ·for the coming [in the day; v. 6] of Christ;
1:11  that you will be filled with the ·good things produced in your life by Christ [L fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ] to bring glory and praise to God.
1:12  I want you brothers and sisters to know that what has happened to me has helped to ·spread [advance] the ·Good News [Gospel].
1:13  All the ·palace guards [imperial guard; L praetorium; C Caesar’s elite troops] and everyone else knows that I am in ·prison [chains] ·because I am a believer in [or for the cause of] Christ.
1:14  Because I am in prison, most of the ·believers [L brothers (and sisters)] have become more ·bold [confident] in the Lord and ·are not afraid [L dare without fear] to speak the word of God.
1:15  It is true that some preach about Christ because of ·jealousy [envy] and ·ambition [rivalry], but others preach about Christ because ·they want to help [of good will/intentions].
1:16  They preach because they have love, and they know that ·God gave me the work of [I have been appointed for; or I have been put here (in prison) for] defending the ·Good News [Gospel].
1:17  But the others preach about Christ for ·selfish [selfish ambition; or rivalry] and ·wrong reasons [not sincerely], wanting to make trouble for me in ·prison [my chains].
1:18  ·But it doesn’t matter [What difference does it make? or What is the result? L For what?]. The important thing is that in every way, whether ·for right or wrong reasons [from false motives or true], they are preaching about Christ. So ·I am happy [L in this I rejoice], ·and [indeed] I will continue to ·be happy [rejoice].
1:19  Because I know ·this trouble [L this] will ·bring my [result in] ·freedom [deliverance; or salvation], through your prayers and the ·help of [support from] the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
1:20  I expect and hope that I will not ·fail Christ in [L be ashamed about] anything but that I will have the ·courage [boldness] now, as always, ·to show the greatness of Christ [or so that Christ will be exalted] in my ·life here on earth [L body], whether I live or die.
1:21  [L For] To me ·the only important thing about living [L to live] is Christ, and ·dying would be profit for me [L to die is gain/profit].
1:22  If I continue living in my ·body [flesh], ·I will be able to work for the Lord [L this is productive/fruitful work for me]. I do not know what to choose—living or dying.
1:23  ·It is hard to choose [I am torn/hard pressed] between the two. I ·want [desire; long] to leave this life and be with Christ, which is much better,
1:24  but ·you need me here [or it is better for you that I remain] in ·my body [the flesh].
1:25  Since I am sure of this, I know I will stay with you ·to help you grow and have [L for your progress/success and] joy in your faith.
1:26  [L …so that] ·You will be very happy [or Because of me, your confidence/pride will increase; L Your boasting in me will abound] in Christ Jesus when I am with you again.
1:27  ·Only one thing concerns me [or Whatever happens; L Only]: Be sure that you ·live [conduct yourselves; live as citizens] in a way that ·brings honor to [is worthy of] the ·Good News [Gospel] of Christ. ·Then [L …so that] whether I come and ·visit [see] you or am away from you, I will hear that you are standing strong ·with one purpose [with one spirit; or in the one Spirit], that you work together ·as one [with one mind/soul] for the faith ·of [or that is; or in] the ·Good News [Gospel],
1:28  and that you are not ·frightened [intimidated] in any way by ·those who are against you [your opponents]. All of this is ·proof [evidence; a sign] that ·your enemies [they] will be destroyed but that you will be saved. And ·this salvation [or this proof/evidence/sign; L this] is from God.
1:29  ·God gave you the honor [L For it has been granted/given to you] not only of believing in Christ but also of suffering for him.
1:30  You yourselves are having the same kind of struggles that you saw ·I had when I was with you [L in me], and ·you hear that I am still having now [L now hear in me].