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1:1  Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the holy men in Christ Jesus, that be at Philippi, with bishops and deacons,
1:2  grace and peace to you of God our Father [grace to you and peace of God our Father], and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1:3  I do thankings to my God in all mind of you
1:4  evermore in all my prayers for all you with joy, and make beseeching
1:5  on your communing in the gospel of Christ, from the first day till now [from the first day unto now];
1:6  trusting this same thing, that he that began in you a good work, shall perform it till into the day of Jesus Christ.
1:7  As it is just to me to feel this thing for all you [for you all], for that I have you in heart, and in my bonds, and in defending and confirming of the gospel, that all ye be fellows of my joy.
1:8  For God is a witness to me, how I covet all you [how I covet you all] in the bowels of Jesus Christ.
1:9  And this thing I pray, that your charity be plenteous more and more in knowing [that your charity be plenteous more and more in science, or knowing], and in all wit;
1:10  that ye approve the better things [that ye prove the better things], that ye be clean and without offence in the day of Christ;
1:11  filled [full-filled] with the fruit of rightwiseness by Jesus Christ, into the glory and praising of God.
1:12  For, brethren, I will that ye know, that the things that be about me have come more to the profit of the gospel,
1:13  so that my bonds were made known in Christ, in each moot hall, and in all other places;
1:14  that more of [the] brethren trusting in the Lord more plenteously for my bonds, durst without dread speak the word of God. [that more of the brethren in the Lord trusting in my bonds, more plenteously durst without dread speak the word of God.]
1:15  But some for envy and strife, some for good will, preach Christ;
1:16  and some of charity, witting that I am put in the defence of the gospel.
1:17  But some of strife [Forsooth some of contention, or strife,] show Christ not cleanly, guessing them(selves) to raise tribulation to my bonds.
1:18  But what? while on all manner, either by occasion, either by truth, Christ is showed [What soothly? the while on all manner, either by contention, either by truth, Christ is showed]; and in this thing I have joy, but also I shall have joy.
1:19  And I know, that this thing shall come to me into health by your prayer, and the under-ministering of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
1:20  by mine abiding and hope [after mine abiding and hope]. For in nothing I shall be ashamed, but in all trust as evermore and now, Christ shall be magnified in my body, either by life, either by death.
1:21  For [to] me to live is Christ, and to die is winning.
1:22  That if to live in flesh, [this] is fruit of work to me, lo! what I shall choose, I know not. [That if to live in flesh, this is fruit of work to me, and what I shall choose, I know not.]
1:23  But I am constrained of two things, I have desire to be departed [Forsooth I am constrained of two things, having desire to be dissolved, or departed the soul from the body], and to be with Christ, it is much more better;
1:24  but to dwell in flesh, is needful for you.
1:25  And I trusting this thing, know that I shall dwell, and perfectly dwell to all you, to your profit and joy of faith,
1:26  that your thanking abound in Christ Jesus in me, by my coming again to you.
1:27  Only live ye worthily to the gospel of Christ, that whether when I come and see you, either absent I hear of you [or absent I shall hear of you], that ye stand in one spirit of one will, travailing together to the faith of the gospel.
1:28  And in nothing be ye afeared of adversaries, which is to them cause of perdition, but to you a cause of health. And this thing is of God.
1:29  For it is given to you for Christ, that not only ye believe in him, but also that ye suffer for him;
1:30  having the same strife, which ye saw in me, and now ye have heard of me.