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8:1  The point of all this now appears. We have just such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the heavenly Majesty,
8:2  as a minister of the holy things and of the true Tabernacle, the one set up by God rather than by humans.
8:3  Every high priest, you see, is appointed in order to offer gifts and sacrifices, which is why this one, too, must have something to offer.
8:4  If he were on earth, he wouldn’t even be a priest, since there already are priests who make offerings in accordance with the law.
8:5  They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly realities, in line with what Moses was told, when he was getting ready to construct the Tabernacle: “take care that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.”
8:6  Now, you see, Jesus has obtained a vastly superior ministry. In the same way, he is the mediator of a better covenant, which is established on better promises.
8:7  If the first covenant had been faultless, you see, there wouldn’t have been any reason to look for a second one.
8:8  God finds fault with them when he says: See, says the Lord, the days are coming, when I will complete, with the house of Israel, with Judah’s house, also, a covenant that’s new:
8:9  not like the one which I made with their ancestors on the day when I reached out and took them by the hand to lead them away from the land of Egypt. They didn’t remain, after all, in my covenant, and (says the Lord) I ceased to care for them.
8:10  This is the covenant I will establish, after those days with the house of Israel: my laws I will place in their minds, says the Lord, and write on their hearts; thus I shall be God for all of them; they’ll be my people indeed.
8:11  No more will they need to teach their own neighbors, or their brothers and sisters, to know me, the Lord; for from least unto greatest, each one shall know me,
8:12  For I shall be merciful to their injustices and as for their sins, I’ll forget them forever.
8:13  Thus, when it speaks of a new covenant, it puts the first one out of date. And something that is out of date, and growing old, is about to disappear.