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5:1  For every high priest being taken from-among men is appointed for people in the things pertaining to God, in order that he might offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins—
5:2  being able to deal-gently with the ones being ignorant and going-astray since he himself is also surrounded with weakness.
5:3  And because of it, he is obligated to be offering sacrifices for sins— just as for the people, so also for himself.
5:4  And one does not take the honor to himself, but receives it being called by God, just as also Aaron.
5:5  So also, Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but the One having said to Him [in Ps 2:7] “You are My Son. Today I have fathered You” did,
5:6  just as also in another place He says “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” [Ps 110:4],
5:7  ... Who, in the days of His flesh having offered both petitions and supplications with a strong outcry and tears to the One being able to save Him from death, and having been heard because of His reverence,
5:8  although being a Son, learned obedience from the things which He suffered.
5:9  And having been perfected, He became the cause of eternal salvation to all the ones obeying Him,
5:10  having been designated by God as High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek—
5:11  ... concerning whom our message-to-speak is great and hard-to-interpret so as to speak, since you have become sluggish in the hearing.
5:12  For indeed, [although] being obligated to be teachers because of the time, you again have a need that someone be teaching you the elements of  the beginning concerning the oracles of God. And you have become ones having a need of milk and not of solid food.
5:13  For everyone partaking of milk is inexperienced in the word of  righteousness, for he is an infant.
5:14  But the solid food is for the mature— the ones because of habit having their faculties trained for discernment of both good and evil.