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3:1  My brothers, you are holy. You are also called to go to heaven. Take time to think carefully about Jesus. God sent him. He is the high priest we believe in.
3:2  He did what God sent him to do, just as Moses did in God's house.
3:3  But Jesus is much greater than Moses - as the one who builds a house is greater than the house itself.
3:4  Every house is built by someone, but God is the one who builds all things.
3:5  Moses did what he was told to do as a servant in all of God's house. He showed things that God would say later.
3:6  But Jesus Christ was true as a Son over God's house. We are God's house if we keep on believing and telling others what we hope to have.
3:7  So as the Holy Spirit says, `Today, when you hear me speak, do not make your hearts hard.
3:8  That is what happened when the people tested me in the desert and I became angry.
3:9  There your fathers tested me and tried me. And they saw what I did for forty years.
3:10  So I was very angry with the people of that time. I said, "Their minds are always dark. They have not known my ways."
3:11  I said when I was angry, "They will never go into my resting place." '
3:12  My brothers, take care that not one of you has a heart that does not believe. Such a heart will take you away from the living God.
3:13  But talk to each other every day while `Today' lasts, so that wrong ways will not fool any one of you and your hearts become hard.
3:14  We have our part with Christ if we go on to the end and believe in him as we did at first.
3:15  God is still saying now, `Today, when you hear me speak, do not make your hearts hard. That is what happened when the people turned against me.'
3:16  Who were the people who heard him and yet made him very angry? It was all the people whom Moses led out of the country of Egypt.
3:17  With whom was God angry for forty years? He was angry with the people who had done wrong. And they died in the desert.
3:18  Who were the people God said would never go into his resting place? They were the people who would not listen to him.
3:19  So then, we see that they could not go in because they did not believe him.