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2:1  For this reason, we must pay more attention to the things having been heard, that we may not-ever drift-away.
2:2  For if the word having been spoken through angels proved-to-be firm, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty,
2:3  how shall we escape, having neglected so great a salvation?— which, having begun to be spoken by the Lord, was confirmed to us by the ones having heard,
2:4  God testifying-with both signs and wonders and various miracles and distributions of the Holy Spirit according to His will.
2:5  For He did not subject to angels the coming world concerning which we are speaking.
2:6  But one solemnly-testified somewhere saying, “What is man that You remember him, or the son of man that You look-after him?
2:7  You made him lower than angels for a little while. You crowned him with glory and honor.
2:8  You subjected all things under his feet” [Ps 8:4-6]. For in the subjecting all things to him, He left nothing not-subject to him. But now we do not yet see all things having been subjected to him.
2:9  But we see the One having been made lower than angels for a little while— Jesus— having been crowned with glory and honor because-of the suffering of the death, so-that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.
2:10  For it was fitting for Him for-the-sake-of Whom are all things and through Whom are all things, that in bringing many sons to glory He should perfect the Author of their salvation through sufferings.
2:11  For both the One making-holy and the ones being made holy are all from one Father, for which reason He is not ashamed to be calling them brothers,
2:12  saying “I will declare Your name to My brothers. I will sing-praise to You in the midst of the congregation” [Ps 22:22];
2:13  and again [in Isa 8:17], “I will be trusting in Him”; and again [in Isa 8:18], “Behold— I and the children whom God gave to Me”.
2:14  Therefore, since the children have shared of blood and flesh, He Himself also similarly partook of the same things in order that through death He might do-away-with the one having the power of death (that is, the devil),
2:15  and release these: all-who by the fear of death were subject-to slavery through all their living.
2:16  For He surely does not take-hold-of  angels, but He takes hold of the seed of Abraham.
2:17  Hence, He had-to become-like His brothers in all things in order that He might become a merciful and faithful High Priest in the things pertaining to God, so as to make-an-offering-for-satisfaction [of God’s wrath] as to the sins of the people.
2:18  For having Himself  been tempted in what He has suffered, He is able to help the ones being tempted.