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2:1  [L Then] After fourteen years I went to Jerusalem again, this time with Barnabas [Acts 4:36; 9:26–27; 11:22, 25, 30; 13:2–4; 15:36–39]. I also took Titus [2 Cor. 2:13; Titus 1:4–5] with me.
2:2  I went because ·God showed me I should go [L of a revelation]. There I met in private with ·the leaders of the church [or those who seemed to be leaders; or the prominent/influential ones] and I ·told [presented to; set before] them the ·Good News [Gospel] that I preach to the Gentiles. ·I did not want my past work and the work I am now doing to be wasted [L …to make sure I was not running or had run in vain].
2:3  Titus was with me, but he was not ·forced [compelled] to be circumcised [Gen. 17], even though he was a Greek.
2:4  ·We talked about this problem [This issue arose] because some false ·believers [L brothers] had come into our group secretly. They came in ·like spies to overturn [to sabotage; L to spy on] the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. They wanted to make us slaves.
2:5  But we did not give in to ·those false believers [L them] for a minute, so that the truth of the ·Good News [Gospel] would ·continue [be preserved; not be compromised] for you.
2:6  Those leaders who ·seemed to be important [or were prominent/influential] did not ·change the Good News that I preach [or add anything to my message]. (It doesn’t matter to me if they were ·“important” [prominent; influential] or not. To God everyone is the same.)
2:7  But these leaders saw that I had been ·given the work of telling the Good News [L entrusted with the Gospel] to the ·Gentiles [non-Jewish people; L uncircumcised], just as Peter ·had the work of telling the Jews [L to the circumcised].
2:8  [L For] ·God [L The one] who gave Peter the power to work as an apostle for the ·Jewish people [L circumcised] also gave me the power to work as an apostle for the Gentiles.
2:9  James, Peter, and John, who seemed to be ·the leaders [L pillars], ·understood [recognized; acknowledged] that God had given me this special grace, so they ·accepted [shook hands in partnership with; L gave the right hand of fellowship/partnership to] Barnabas and me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles and they would go to the ·Jewish people [L circumcised].
2:10  The only thing they asked us was to remember to help the poor [C meaning especially the poor believers in Jerusalem; Acts 11:27–30]—something I ·really wanted [myself was eager/zealous] to do.
2:11  [L But] When ·Peter [L Cephas; C Peter’s name in Aramaic; 1:18] came to Antioch, I challenged him to his face, because he ·was wrong [L stood condemned].
2:12  [L For; Because] ·Peter [L He] ate with the Gentiles until ·some Jewish people [L certain people] sent from James [1:19] came to Antioch [C a major city in Syria]. When they arrived, Peter ·stopped eating with those who weren’t Jewish [L backed off; withdrew], and he separated himself from them. […because] He was afraid of the ·Jews [circumcised; or the pro-circumcision group].
2:13  Then the rest of the ·Jewish believers [L Jews] joined him in this hypocrisy. Even Barnabas was ·influenced [swept along; carried away] by their hypocrisy.
2:14  [L But] When I saw they were not ·following [acting in line with] the truth of the ·Good News [Gospel], I spoke to ·Peter [L Cephas; v. 11] in front of them all. I said, “You are a Jew, but you are living like a Gentile and not a Jew. So how can you now try to force Gentiles to live like Jews?”
2:15  We were not born as Gentile “sinners,” but as Jews.
2:16  Yet we know that a person is ·made right with God [justified; declared righteous] not by ·following [L the works of] the law, but by ·trusting in [faith in; or the faithfulness of] Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus, that we might be ·made right with God [justified; declared righteous] ·because we trusted in [through faith in; or because of the faithfulness of] Christ. It is not ·because we followed [L by the works of] the law, because no ·one [human being; L flesh] can be ·made right with God [justified; declared righteous] by ·following [L the works of] the law.
2:17  ·We Jews came to Christ, trying to be made right with God, and it became clear that we are sinners, too [or But if we ourselves, also, by seeking to be justified in Christ, were found to be sinners…]. Does this mean that Christ ·encourages [L is a servant/minister of] sin? ·No [Absolutely not; May it never be]!
2:18  But I would ·really be wrong [or prove myself to be a lawbreaker/sinner] ·to begin teaching again those things that I gave up [L if I rebuild those things I tore down; C dependance on the law for salvation].
2:19  ·It was the law that put me to death [or Trying to keep the law condemned me to death; L For through the law I died to the law], and I died to the law so that I can now live for God [C no longer depending on the law for salvation, Paul now depends on God’s grace].
2:20  I ·was put to death on the cross [L have been crucified] with Christ, and I do not live anymore—it is Christ who lives in me. I still live in my ·body [flesh], but I live ·by faith in [or because of the faithfulness of] the Son of God who loved me and gave himself ·to save me [L for me; on my behalf].
2:21  By saying these things I ·am not going against [L do not set aside/nullify] God’s grace. ·Just the opposite [L For…], if the law could make us right with God, then Christ’s death would be ·useless [in vain; for nothing].