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2:1  And since fourteen years after [Afterward after fourteen years], again I went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took with me Titus.
2:2  [Forsooth] I went up by revelation, and spake with them the evangel [and said together with them the gospel], which I preach among the heathen; and by themselves to these that seemed to be somewhat, lest I run, or had run in vain [forsooth asides hand, or by themselves, to them that were seen to be somewhat, lest peradventure I should run in vain, or had run in vain.]
2:3  And neither Titus, that had been with me, while he was heathen, was compelled to be circumcised; [But neither Titus, that was with me, when he was heathen, was compelled to be circumcised;]
2:4  but for false brethren that were brought in, which had entered to espy our freedom, which we have in Jesus Christ, to bring us into servage.
2:5  But we gave no place to subjection, that the truth of the gospel should dwell with you.
2:6  But of these that seemed to be somewhat; which they were sometime, it pertaineth not to me [what manner they were sometime, it pertaineth nothing to me], for God taketh not the person of man; for they that seemed to be somewhat, gave me nothing [nothing to me gave].
2:7  But on the contrary, when they had seen, that the evangel of [the] prepuce was given to me, as the evangel of circumcision was given to Peter [that the gospel of prepuce, or of heathen men, was taken to me, as and of circumcision to Peter];
2:8  for he that wrought to Peter in apostlehood of circumcision, wrought also to me among the heathen;
2:9  and when they had known the grace of God, that was given to me, James, and Peter, and John, which were seen to be the pillars, they gave the right hand of fellowship to me and to Barnabas, that we among the heathen, and they into the circumcision;
2:10  only that we had mind of poor men [only that we should be mindful of poor men], the which thing I was full busy to do.
2:11  But when Peter was come to Antioch, I against-stood him in the face [I stood against him into the face], for he was worthy to be reproved.
2:12  For before that there came some men from James [Forsooth before that some came from James], he ate with heathen men; but when they were come, he withdrew, and separated him(self ) [and parted him], dreading them that were of circumcision.
2:13  And the other Jews assented to his feigning [And other Jews consented to his feigning], so that Barnabas was drawn of them into that feigning.
2:14  But when I saw, that they walked not rightly to the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before all men, If thou, that art a Jew, livest heathen-like, and not Jew-like, how constrainest thou heathen men to become Jews?
2:15  We Jews of kind, and not sinful men of the heathen, [We be Jews of kind, and not sinners of heathen men,]
2:16  know that a man [soothly knowing for a man] is not justified of the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ; and we believe in Jesus Christ, that we be justified of the faith of Christ [that we be justified by the faith of Christ], and not of the works of the law. Wherefore of the works of the law each flesh shall not be justified.
2:17  And if we seek to be justified in Christ, we ourselves be found sinful men, whether Christ be minister of sin? God forbid. [That if we seeking to be justified in Christ, and we ourselves be found sinners, whether Christ is minister of sin? Far be it.]
2:18  And if I build again things that I have destroyed [Soothly if I build again those things that I destroyed], I make myself a trespasser.
2:19  For by the law I am dead to the law, [For by the law I am dead to the law, that I live to God;]
2:20  and I am fixed to the cross, that I live to God with Christ. And now live not I, but Christ liveth in me. But that I live now in flesh, I live in the faith of God's Son, that loved me, and gave himself for me. [with Christ I am fixed to the cross. Forsooth I live now, not I, but Christ liveth in me. Forsooth that I live now in flesh, I live in the faith of God's Son, which loved me, and betook himself for me.]
2:21  I cast not away the grace of God; for if rightwiseness be through law [for if rightwiseness is by the law], then Christ died without cause.