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4:1  Therefore I bound for the Lord beseech you, that ye walk worthily in the calling, in which ye be called,
4:2  with all meekness and mildness, with patience supporting each other in charity [with patience supporting, or up-bearing, together in charity],
4:3  busy to keep unity of Spirit in the bond of peace.
4:4  One body and one Spirit, as ye be called in one hope of your calling;
4:5  one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
4:6  one God and Father of all, which is above all men, and by all things, and in us all.
4:7  But to each of us grace is given by the measure of the giving of Christ [after the measure of the giving of Christ];
4:8  for which thing he saith, He ascending on high, led captivity captive, he gave gifts to men.
4:9  But what is it, that he ascended up, no but that also he came down first into the lower parts of the earth? [Forsooth that he ascended, what is it, no but for he descended first into the lower parts of the earth?]
4:10  He it is that came down, and that ascended [up] on all heavens, that he should fill all things.
4:11  And he gave some apostles, some prophets, others evangelists, others shepherds and teachers,
4:12  to the full ending of saints, into the work of ministry, into [the] edification of Christ's body,
4:13  till we run all, into unity of faith and of knowing of God's Son, into a perfect man, after the measure of the age of the plenty of Christ; [till we run all, in unity of faith and of knowing of God's Son, into a perfect man, into the measure of age of the plenty of Christ;]
4:14  that we be not now little children, moving as waves, and be not borne about with each wind of teaching [and be borne about with all wind of teaching], in the waywardness of men, in subtle wit, to the deceiving of error.
4:15  But do we truth in charity, and wax in him by all things, that is Christ our head; [Forsooth we doing truth in charity, wax in him by all things, that is Christ the head;]
4:16  of whom all the body set together, and bound together by each jointure of under-serving, by working into the measure of each member [after working into the measure of each member], maketh increasing of the body, into [the] edification of itself in charity.
4:17  Therefore I say and witness this thing in the Lord [Therefore this thing I say, and witness in the Lord], that ye walk not now, as heathen men walk, in the vanity of their wit;
4:18  that have understanding darkened with darknesses [having their understanding darkened], and be aliened from the life of God, by ignorance that is in them, for the blindness of their heart.
4:19  Which despairing betook themselves to unchastity, into the working of all uncleanness in covetousness.
4:20  But ye have not so learned Christ,
4:21  if nevertheless ye heard him, and be taught in him, as is truth in Jesus.
4:22  Do ye away by the old living the old man, that is corrupt by the desires of error; [Do ye away after the first living the old man, that is corrupt after the desires of error;]
4:23  and be ye renewed in the spirit of your soul;
4:24  and clothe ye the new man, which is made after God in rightwiseness and holiness of truth. [and clothe ye the new man, which after God is made of nought in rightwiseness and holiness of truth.]
4:25  For which thing put ye away lying, and speak ye truth each man with his neighbour, for we be members each to other. [For which thing putting away lying, speak truth each man with his neighbour, for we be members together.]
4:26  Be ye wroth, and do not do sin; the sun fall not down on your wrath [the sun fall not down upon your wrath].
4:27  Do not ye give stead to the devil.
4:28  He that stole, now steal he not; but more rather travail he in working with his hands that that is good, that he have whereof he shall give to the needy. [He that stole, now steal not; but more travail he in working with his hands that that is good thing, that he have whereof he shall give to a man suffering need.]
4:29  Each evil word go not out of your mouth; but if any is good to the edification of faith, that it give grace to men that hear [that it give grace to men hearing].
4:30  And do not ye make the Holy Ghost of God sorry [And do not ye make the Holy Ghost of God sorry, or heavy], in which ye be marked in the day of redemption.
4:31  All bitterness, and wrath, and indignation, and cry, and blasphemy be taken away from you, with all malice;
4:32  and be ye together benign [forsooth be ye together benign, or of good will], merciful, forgiving together, as also God forgave to you in Christ.