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2:1  And when ye were dead in your guilts and sins,
2:2  in which ye wandered sometime after the course of this world, after the prince of the power of this air, of the spirit that worketh now into the sons of unbelief;
2:3  in which also we all lived sometime [in whom we all lived sometime] in the desires of our flesh, doing the wills of the flesh and of the thoughts, and we were by kind the sons of wrath, as other men [as and others];
2:4  but God, that is rich in mercy, for his full much charity in which he loved us,
2:5  yea, when we were dead in sins, quickened us together in Christ, by whose grace ye be saved,
2:6  and again-raised together, and made together to sit in heavenly things in Christ Jesus;
2:7  that he should show in the worlds above coming the plenteous riches of his grace in goodness on [upon] us in Christ Jesus.
2:8  For by grace ye be saved by faith, and this not of you [and that not of you]; for it is the gift of God,
2:9  not of works, that no man have glory.
2:10  For we be the making of him, made of nought in Christ Jesus, in good works, which God hath ordained, that we go in those works [that God made ready before, that in them we go].
2:11  For which thing be ye mindful, that sometime ye were heathen in flesh, which were said prepuce, from that that is said circumcision made by hand in flesh [from that that is said circumcision in flesh made by hand];
2:12  and ye were in that time without Christ, aliened from the living of Israel, and guests of the testaments, not having hope of promise, and without God in this world.
2:13  But now in Christ Jesus ye that were sometime far, be made nigh in the blood of Christ.
2:14  For he is our peace, that made both one, and unbinding the middle wall of a wall without mortar,
2:15  enmities in his flesh; and voided the law of commandments by dooms [voiding the law of commandments by dooms], that he make two in himself into a new man, making peace,
2:16  to reconcile both in one body to God by the cross [that he reconcile both in one body to God by the cross], slaying the enmities in himself.
2:17  And he coming preached peace to you that were far, and peace to them that were nigh;
2:18  for by him we both have nigh coming in one Spirit to the Father.
2:19  Therefore now ye be not guests and strangers, but ye be citizens of saints, and [the] household members of God;
2:20  above builded on the foundament of apostles and of prophets, upon that highest corner stone, Christ Jesus;
2:21  in whom each building made waxeth into an holy temple in the Lord.
2:22  In whom also ye be builded together into the habitation of God, in the Holy Ghost. [In whom and ye be built together into the habitacle of God, in the Holy Ghost.]