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Laleh Bakhtiar - Concordance of the Sublime Quran
Hans Wehr - Dictionary of Modern Arabic

To preserve/guard/protect a thing, take care of a thing, prevent a thing from perishing, to be careful/mindful/regardful/attentive/considerate concerning a thing, to keep a thing, put in store, retain a thing, learn a thing by heart (commit to memory), to remember, to defend, keep a thing from getting lost, to be observant or watchful, apply oneself/assiduously/constantly/perseveringly, vigilant or heedful, to anger a person or be angered.


vb. (1) perf. act.

الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِسَاء بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللَّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَى بَعْض ٍ وَبِمَا أَنفَقُوا مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَات ٌ لِلْغَيْبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ اللَّهُ وَاللاَّتِي تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلاَ تَبْغُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ سَبِيلا ً إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيّا ً كَبِيرا ً
Ar-Rijālu Qawwāmūna `Alá An-Nisā' Bimā FaĐĐala Allāhu Ba`Đahum `Alá Ba`Đin Wa Bimā 'Anfaqū Min 'Amwālihim Fālşşāliĥātu Qānitātun Ĥāfižātun Lilghaybi Bimā Ĥafiža Allāhu Wa Al-Lātī Takhāfūna Nushūzahunna Fa`ižūhunna Wa Ahjurūhunna Fī Al-MaĐāji`i Wa AĐribūhunna Fa'in 'Aţa`nakum Falā Tabghū `Alayhinna Sabīlāan 'Inna Allāha Kāna `Alīyāan Kabīrāan

The men are to support the women with what God has bestowed upon them over one another and for what they spend of their money. The upright females are dutiful; keeping private the personal matters for what God keeps watch over. As for those females from whom you fear desertion, then you shall advise them, and abandon them in the bedchamber, and separate from them. If they respond to you, then do not seek a way over them; God is Most High, Great.

وَحَفِظْنَاهَا مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَان ٍ رَجِيم ٍ
Wa Ĥafižnāhā Min Kulli Shayţānin Rajīmin

And We have guarded it from every outcast devil.

impf. act.

وَلَمَّا فَتَحُوا مَتَاعَهُمْ وَجَدُوا بِضَاعَتَهُمْ رُدَّتْ إِلَيْهِمْ قَالُوا يَا أَبَانَا مَا نَبْغِي هَذِه ِِ بِضَاعَتُنَا رُدَّتْ إِلَيْنَا وَنَمِيرُ أَهْلَنَا وَنَحْفَظُ أَخَانَا وَنَزْدَادُ كَيْلَ بَعِير ٍ ذَلِكَ كَيْل ٌ يَسِير ٌ
Wa Lammā Fataĥū Matā`ahum Wa Jadū BiĐā`atahum Ruddat 'Ilayhim Qālū Yā 'Abānā Mā Nabghī Hadhihi BiĐā`atunā Ruddat 'Ilaynā Wa Namīru 'Ahlanā Wa Naĥfažu 'Akhānā Wa Nazdādu Kayla Ba`īrin Dhālika Kaylun Yasīrun

So when they opened their baggage, they found their goods had been returned to them, and they said: "Our father, what more can we desire, these are our goods returned to us, so we can get more for our family, and be guardians over our brother, and increase a measure of grain to load a camel. That is truly an easy measure!"

لَه ُُ مُعَقِّبَات ٌ مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِه ِِ يَحْفَظُونَه ُُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ وَإِذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِقَوْم ٍ سُوءا ً فَلاَ مَرَدَّ لَه ُُ وَمَا لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِه ِِ مِنْ وَال ٍ
Lahu Mu`aqqibātun Min Bayni Yadayhi Wa Min Khalfihi Yaĥfažūnahu Min 'Amri Allāhi 'Inna Allāha Lā Yughayyiru Mā Biqawmin Ĥattá Yughayyirū Mā Bi'anfusihim Wa 'Idhā 'Arāda Allāhu Biqawmin Sū'āan Falā Maradda Lahu Wa Mā Lahum Min Dūnihi Min Wa A-

Present with him and behind him are retainers, they preserve him from the command of God. God does not change the condition of a people until they change the condition of their souls. And if God wanted to harm a people, then there is no turning Him back, nor will they have any protector against Him.

قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ وَيَحْفَظُوا فُرُوجَهُمْ ذَلِكَ أَزْكَى لَهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِير ٌ بِمَا يَصْنَعُونَ
Qul Lilmu'uminīna YaghuĐĐū Min 'Abşārihim Wa Yaĥfažū Furūjahum Dhālika 'Azká Lahum 'Inna Allāha Khabīrun Bimā Yaşna`ūna

Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and keep covered their private parts, for that is better for them. God is fully aware of what you do.

وَقُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَلاَ يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلاَّ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ وَلاَ يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلاَّ لِبُعُولَتِهِنَّ أَوْ آبَائِهِنَّ أَوْ آبَاءِ بُعُولَتِهِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَائِهِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَاءِ بُعُولَتِهِنَّ أَوْ إِخْوَانِهِنَّ أَوْ بَنِي إِخْوَانِهِنَّ أَوْ بَنِي أَخَوَاتِهِنَّ أَوْ نِسَائِهِنَّ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُنَّ أَوِ التَّابِعِينَ غَيْرِ أُوْلِي الإِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ أَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يَظْهَرُوا عَلَى عَوْرَاتِ النِسَاء وَلاَ يَضْرِبْنَ بِأَرْجُلِهِنَّ لِيُعْلَمَ مَا يُخْفِينَ مِنْ زِينَتِهِنَّ وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعاً أَيُّهَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ
Wa Qul Lilmu'umināti YaghĐuĐna Min 'Abşārihinna Wa Yaĥfažna Furūjahunna Wa Lā Yubdīna Zīnatahunna 'Illā Mā žahara Minhā Wa LīaĐribna Bikhumurihinna `Alá Juyūbihinna Wa Lā Yubdīna Zīnatahunna 'Illā Libu`ūlatihinna 'Aw 'Ābā'ihinna 'Aw 'Ābā'i Bu`ūlatihinna 'Aw 'Abnā'ihinna 'Aw 'Abnā'i Bu`ūlatihinna 'Aw 'Ikhwānihinna 'Aw Banī 'Ikhwānihinna 'Aw Banī 'Akhawātihinna 'Aw Nisā'ihinna 'Aw Mā Malakat 'Aymānuhunna 'Awi At-Tābi`īna Ghayri 'Ūlī Al-'Irbati Mina Ar-Rijāli 'Awi Aţ-Ţifli Al-Ladhīna Lam Yažharū `Alá `Awrāti An-Nisā' Wa Lā YaĐribna Bi'arjulihinna Liyu`lama Mā Yukhfīna Min Zīnatihinna Wa Tūbū 'Ilá Allāhi Jamī`āan 'Ayyuhā Al-Mu'uminūna La`allakum Tufliĥūna

And tell the believing females to lower their gaze and keep covered their private parts, and that they should not reveal their beauty except what is apparent, and let them put forth their shawls over their cleavage. And let them not reveal their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or their women, or those maintained by their oaths, or the male servants who are without need, or the child who has not yet understood the composition of women. And let them not strike with their feet in a manner that reveals what they are keeping hidden of their beauty. And repent to God, all of you believers, that you may succeed.


لاَ يُؤَاخِذُكُمُ اللَّهُ بِاللَّغْوِ فِي أَيْمَانِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ يُؤَاخِذُكُمْ بِمَا عَقَّدْتُمُ الإِيْمَانَ فَكَفَّارَتُهُ~ُ إِطْعَامُ عَشَرَةِ مَسَاكِينَ مِنْ أَوْسَطِ مَا تُطْعِمُونَ أَهْلِيكُمْ أَوْ كِسْوَتُهُمْ أَوْ تَحْرِيرُ رَقَبَة ٍ فَمَنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ فَصِيَامُ ثَلاَثَةِ أَيَّام ٍ ذَلِكَ كَفَّارَةُ أَيْمَانِكُمْ إِذَا حَلَفْتُمْ وَاحْفَظُوا أَيْمَانَكُمْ كَذَلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ آيَاتِه ِِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ
Lā Yu'uākhidhukumu Allāhu Bil-Laghwi Fī 'Aymānikum Wa Lakin Yu'uākhidhukum Bimā `Aqqadtumu Al-'Īmāna Fakaffāratuhu 'Iţ`āmu `Asharati Masākīna Min 'Awsaţi Mā Tuţ`imūna 'Ahlīkum 'Aw Kiswatuhum 'Aw Taĥrīru Raqabatin Faman Lam Yajid Faşiyāmu Thalāthati 'Ayyāmin Dhālika Kaffāratu 'Aymānikum 'Idhā Ĥalaftum Wa Aĥfažū 'Aymānakum Kadhālika Yubayyinu Allāhu Lakum 'Āyātihi La`allakum Tashkurūna

God will not hold you for your casual oaths, but He will hold you for what oaths you have made binding; its cancellation shall be the feeding of ten poor from the average of what you feed your family, or that you clothe them, or that you free a slave; whoever cannot find such shall fast for three days; this is a cancellation for making your oaths when you swear. And be careful from making oaths. It is such that God clarifies for you His revelations that you may be thankful.


اللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُه ُُ سِنَة ٌ وَلاَ نَوْم ٌ لَه ُُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ~ُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِه ِِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْء ٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ~ِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَئُودُه ُُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ
Allāhu Lā 'Ilāha 'Illā Huwa Al-Ĥayyu Al-Qayyūmu, Lā Ta'khudhuhu Sinatun Wa Lā Nawmun, Lahu Mā Fī As-Samāwāti Wa Mā Fī Al-'ArĐi, Man Dhā Al-Ladhī Yashfa`u `Indahu 'Illā Bi'idhnihi, Ya`lamu Mā Bayna 'Aydīhim Wa Mā Khalfahum, Wa Lā Yuĥīţūna Bishay'in Min `Ilmihi 'Illā Bimā Shā'a, Wasi`a Kursīyuhu As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'ArĐa, Wa Lā Ya'ūduhu Ĥifžuhumā, Wa Huwa Al-`Alīyu Al-`Ažīmu

God, there is no god except He, the Living, the Sustainer. No slumber or sleep overtakes Him; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who will intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows their present and their future, and they do not have any of His knowledge except for what He wishes. His Throne encompasses all of the heavens and the earth and it is easy for Him to preserve them. He is the Most High, the Great.

وَحِفْظا ً مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَان ٍ مَارِد ٍ
Wa Ĥifžāan Min Kulli Shayţānin Māridin

And to guard against every rebellious devil.

فَقَضَاهُنَّ سَبْعَ سَمَاوَات ٍ فِي يَوْمَيْنِ وَأَوْحَى فِي كُلِّ سَمَاءٍ أَمْرَهَا وَزَيَّنَّا السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا بِمَصَابِيحَ وَحِفْظا ً ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
FaqaĐāhunna Sab`a Samāwātin Fī Yawmayni Wa 'Awĥá Fī Kulli Samā'in 'Amrahā Wa Zayyannā As-Samā'a Ad-Dunyā Bimaşābīĥa Wa Ĥifžāan Dhālika Taqdīru Al-`Azīzi Al-`Alīmi

Thus, He then made them into seven heavens in two days, and He inspired to every heaven its affair. And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and for protection. Such is the design of the Noble, the Knowledgeable.

pcple. act.

الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِسَاء بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللَّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَى بَعْض ٍ وَبِمَا أَنفَقُوا مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَات ٌ لِلْغَيْبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ اللَّهُ وَاللاَّتِي تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلاَ تَبْغُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ سَبِيلا ً إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيّا ً كَبِيرا ً
Ar-Rijālu Qawwāmūna `Alá An-Nisā' Bimā FaĐĐala Allāhu Ba`Đahum `Alá Ba`Đin Wa Bimā 'Anfaqū Min 'Amwālihim Fālşşāliĥātu Qānitātun Ĥāfižātun Lilghaybi Bimā Ĥafiža Allāhu Wa Al-Lātī Takhāfūna Nushūzahunna Fa`ižūhunna Wa Ahjurūhunna Fī Al-MaĐāji`i Wa AĐribūhunna Fa'in 'Aţa`nakum Falā Tabghū `Alayhinna Sabīlāan 'Inna Allāha Kāna `Alīyāan Kabīrāan

The men are to support the women with what God has bestowed upon them over one another and for what they spend of their money. The upright females are dutiful; keeping private the personal matters for what God keeps watch over. As for those females from whom you fear desertion, then you shall advise them, and abandon them in the bedchamber, and separate from them. If they respond to you, then do not seek a way over them; God is Most High, Great.

التَّائِبُونَ الْعَابِدُونَ الْحَامِدُونَ السَّائِحُونَ الرَّاكِعُونَ السَّاجِدُونَ الآمِرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَالنَّاهُونَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَالْحَافِظُونَ لِحُدُودِ اللَّهِ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
At-Tā'ibūna Al-`Ābidūna Al-Ĥāmidūna As-Sā'iĥūna Ar-Rāki`ūna As-Sājidūna Al-'Āmirūna Bil-Ma`rūfi Wa An-Nāhūna `Ani Al-Munkari Wa Al-Ĥāfižūna Liĥudūdi Allāhi Wa Bashshiri Al-Mu'uminīna

They are the repenters, the worshipers, the thankful, the devout, the kneeling, the prostrating, the advocates of good and the prohibiters of vice, and the caretakers of the boundaries of God; and give good news to the believers.

أَرْسِلْهُ مَعَنَا غَدا ً يَرْتَعْ وَيَلْعَبْ وَإِنَّا لَه ُُ لَحَافِظُونَ
'Arsilhu Ma`anā Ghadāan Yarta` Wa Yal`ab Wa 'Innā Lahu Laĥāfižūna

"Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play, and we will take care of him."

فَلَمَّا رَجَعُوا إِلَى أَبِيهِمْ قَالُوا يَا أَبَانَا مُنِعَ مِنَّا الْكَيْلُ فَأَرْسِلْ مَعَنَا أَخَانَا نَكْتَلْ وَإِنَّا لَه ُُ لَحَافِظُونَ
Falammā Raja`ū 'Ilá 'Abīhim Qālū Yā 'Abānā Muni`a Minnā Al-Kaylu Fa'arsil Ma`anā 'Akhānā Naktal Wa 'Innā Lahu Laĥāfižūna

So when they returned to their father, they said: "Our father, we have been banned from getting anymore measure of grain, so send our brother with us so we may be given a measure of grain, and we will be his guardians."

قَالَ هَلْ آمَنُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ إِلاَّ كَمَا أَمِنتُكُمْ عَلَى أَخِيه ِِ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَاللَّهُ خَيْرٌ حَافِظا ً وَهُوَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ
Qāla Hal 'Āmanukum `Alayhi 'Illā Kamā 'Amintukum `Alá 'Akhīhi Min Qablu Fa-Allāhu Khayrun Ĥāfižāan Wa Huwa 'Arĥamu Ar-Rāĥimīna

He said: "Shall I trust him with you as I trusted you with Joseph before that? God is the best guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy."

ارْجِعُوا إِلَى أَبِيكُمْ فَقُولُوا يَا أَبَانَا إِنَّ ابْنَكَ سَرَقَ وَمَا شَهِدْنَا إِلاَّ بِمَا عَلِمْنَا وَمَا كُنَّا لِلْغَيْبِ حَافِظِينَ
Arji`ū 'Ilá 'Abīkum Faqūlū Yā 'Abānā 'Inna Abnaka Saraqa Wa Mā Shahidnā 'Illā Bimā `Alimnā Wa Mā Kunnā Lilghaybi Ĥāfižīna

"Return to your father, and tell him: "Our father, your son has stolen, and we did not witness except what we learned, and we could not know the unseen!"

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَه ُُ لَحَافِظُونَ
'Innā Naĥnu Nazzalnā Adh-Dhikra Wa 'Innā Lahu Laĥāfižūna

Indeed it is We who have sent down the Reminder, and indeed it is We who will preserve it.

وَمِنَ الشَّيَاطِينِ مَنْ يَغُوصُونَ لَه ُُ وَيَعْمَلُونَ عَمَلا ً دُونَ ذَلِكَ وَكُنَّا لَهُمْ حَافِظِينَ
Wa Mina Ash-Shayāţīni Man Yaghūşūna Lahu Wa Ya`malūna `Amalāan Dūna Dhālika Wa Kunnā Lahum Ĥāfižīna

And from the devils are those who dive for him, and they perform other tasks, and We were guardian over them.

وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Hum Lifurūjihim Ĥāfižūna

And they keep covered their private parts.

إِنَّ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ وَالْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ وَالْقَانِتِينَ وَالْقَانِتَاتِ وَالصَّادِقِينَ وَالصَّادِقَاتِ وَالصَّابِرِينَ وَالصَّابِرَاتِ وَالْخَاشِعِينَ وَالْخَاشِعَاتِ وَالْمُتَصَدِّقِينَ وَالْمُتَصَدِّقَاتِ وَالصَّائِمِينَ وَالصَّائِمَاتِ وَالْحَافِظِينَ فُرُوجَهُمْ وَالْحَافِظَاتِ وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرا ً وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَة ً وَأَجْراً عَظِيما ً
'Inna Al-Muslimīna Wa Al-Muslimāti Wa Al-Mu'uminīna Wa Al-Mu'umināti Wa Al-Qānitīna Wa Al-Qānitāti Wa Aş-Şādiqīna Wa Aş-Şādiqāti Wa Aş-Şābirīna Wa Aş-Şābirāti Wa Al-Khāshi`īna Wa Al-Khāshi`āti Wa Al-Mutaşaddiqīna Wa Al-Mutaşaddiqāti Wa Aş-Şā'imīna Wa Aş-Şā'imāti Wa Al-Ĥāfižīna Furūjahum Wa Al-Ĥāfižāti Wa Adh-Dhākirīna Allāha Kathīrāan Wa Adh-Dhākirāti 'A`adda Allāhu Lahum Maghfiratan Wa 'Ajrāan `Ažīmāan

Surely, the submitting males, and the submitting females, the believing males, and the believing females, the dutiful males, and the dutiful females, the truthful males, and the truthful females, the patient males, and the patient females, the humble males, and the humble females, the charitable males, and the charitable females, the fasting males, and the fasting females, the males who keep covered their private parts, and the females who similarly keep covered, and the males who commemorate God frequently, and the commemorating females; God has prepared for them a forgiveness and a great recompense.

إِنَّ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ وَالْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ وَالْقَانِتِينَ وَالْقَانِتَاتِ وَالصَّادِقِينَ وَالصَّادِقَاتِ وَالصَّابِرِينَ وَالصَّابِرَاتِ وَالْخَاشِعِينَ وَالْخَاشِعَاتِ وَالْمُتَصَدِّقِينَ وَالْمُتَصَدِّقَاتِ وَالصَّائِمِينَ وَالصَّائِمَاتِ وَالْحَافِظِينَ فُرُوجَهُمْ وَالْحَافِظَاتِ وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرا ً وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَة ً وَأَجْراً عَظِيما ً
'Inna Al-Muslimīna Wa Al-Muslimāti Wa Al-Mu'uminīna Wa Al-Mu'umināti Wa Al-Qānitīna Wa Al-Qānitāti Wa Aş-Şādiqīna Wa Aş-Şādiqāti Wa Aş-Şābirīna Wa Aş-Şābirāti Wa Al-Khāshi`īna Wa Al-Khāshi`āti Wa Al-Mutaşaddiqīna Wa Al-Mutaşaddiqāti Wa Aş-Şā'imīna Wa Aş-Şā'imāti Wa Al-Ĥāfižīna Furūjahum Wa Al-Ĥāfižāti Wa Adh-Dhākirīna Allāha Kathīrāan Wa Adh-Dhākirāti 'A`adda Allāhu Lahum Maghfiratan Wa 'Ajrāan `Ažīmāan

Surely, the submitting males, and the submitting females, the believing males, and the believing females, the dutiful males, and the dutiful females, the truthful males, and the truthful females, the patient males, and the patient females, the humble males, and the humble females, the charitable males, and the charitable females, the fasting males, and the fasting females, the males who keep covered their private parts, and the females who similarly keep covered, and the males who commemorate God frequently, and the commemorating females; God has prepared for them a forgiveness and a great recompense.

وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Hum Lifurūjihim Ĥāfižūna

And those who keep covered their private parts.

وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكُمْ لَحَافِظِينَ
Wa 'Inna `Alaykum Laĥāfižīna

And over you are those who watch.

وَمَا أُرْسِلُوا عَلَيْهِمْ حَافِظِينَ
Wa Mā 'Ursilū `Alayhim Ĥāfižīna

But they were not sent over them as caretakers.

إِنْ كُلُّ نَفْس ٍ لَمَّا عَلَيْهَا حَافِظ ٌ
'In Kullu Nafsin Lammā `Alayhā Ĥāfižun

Every soul has a recorder over it.

pcple. pass.

وَجَعَلْنَا السَّمَاءَ سَقْفا ً مَحْفُوظا ً وَهُمْ عَنْ آيَاتِهَا مُعْرِضُونَ
Wa Ja`alnā As-Samā'a Saqfāan Maĥfūžāan Wa Hum `An 'Āyātihā Mu`riĐūna

And We made the sky a protective ceiling; and yet, from its signs they are turning away!

فِي لَوْح ٍ مَحْفُوظ ٍ
Fī Lawĥin Maĥfūžin

In a tablet, preserved.


n.m. (pl. of hafiz)

وَهُوَ الْقَاهِرُ فَوْقَ عِبَادِه ِِ وَيُرْسِلُ عَلَيْكُمْ حَفَظَةً حَتَّى إِذَا جَاءَ أَحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ تَوَفَّتْهُ رُسُلُنَا وَهُمْ لاَ يُفَرِّطُونَ
Wa Huwa Al-Qāhiru Fawqa `Ibādihi Wa Yursilu `Alaykum Ĥafažatan Ĥattá 'Idhā Jā'a 'Aĥadakumu Al-Mawtu Tawaffat/hu Rusulunā Wa Hum Lā Yufarriţūna

And He is the Supreme over His servants, and He sends over you guardians. So that when the time of death comes to one of you, Our messengers terminate his life, and they do not neglect any.



مَنْ يُطِعِ الرَّسُولَ فَقَدْ أَطَاعَ اللَّهَ وَمَنْ تَوَلَّى فَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفِيظا ً
Man Yuţi`i Ar-Rasūla Faqad 'Aţā`a Allāha Wa Man Tawallá Famā 'Arsalnāka `Alayhim Ĥafīžāan

Whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed God; and whoever turns away, We have not sent you as a guardian over them.

قَدْ جَاءَكُمْ بَصَائِرُ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ فَمَنْ أَبْصَرَ فَلِنَفْسِه ِِ وَمَنْ عَمِيَ فَعَلَيْهَا وَمَا أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِحَفِيظ ٍ
Qad Jā'akum Başā'iru Min Rabbikum Faman 'Abşara Falinafsihi Wa Man `Amiya Fa`alayhā Wa Mā 'Anā `Alaykum Biĥafīžin

"Visible proofs have come to you from your Lord; so whoever can see, does so for himself, and whoever is blinded, will be such. I am not a watcher over you."

وَلَوْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ مَا أَشْرَكُوا وَمَا جَعَلْنَاكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفِيظا ً وَمَا أَنْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِوَكِيل ٍ
Wa Law Shā'a Allāhu Mā 'Ashrakū Wa Mā Ja`alnāka `Alayhim Ĥafīžāan Wa Mā 'Anta `Alayhim Biwakīlin

And if God had willed, they would not have set up partners. And We did not place you over them as a guardian, nor are you over them as a sponsor.

فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَقَدْ أَبْلَغْتُكُمْ مَا أُرْسِلْتُ بِهِ~ِ إِلَيْكُمْ وَيَسْتَخْلِفُ رَبِّي قَوْماً غَيْرَكُمْ وَلاَ تَضُرُّونَه ُُ شَيْئا ً إِنَّ رَبِّي عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَفِيظ ٌ
Fa'in Tawallaw Faqad 'Ablaghtukum Mā 'Ursiltu Bihi 'Ilaykum Wa Yastakhlifu Rabbī Qawmāan Ghayrakum Wa Lā TaĐurrūnahu Shay'āan 'Inna Rabbī `Alá Kulli Shay'in Ĥafīžun

"So, if you turn away, then I have delivered what I have been sent to you with, and my Lord will bring after you a people who are not like you; and you cannot harm Him the least. My Lord is Guardian over all things."

بَقِيَّةُ اللَّهِ خَيْر ٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ وَمَا أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِحَفِيظ ٍ
Baqīyatu Allāhi Khayrun Lakum 'In Kuntum Mu'uminīna Wa Mā 'Anā `Alaykum Biĥafīžin

"What will remain for you with God is far better if you are believers. And I am not a guardian over you."

قَالَ اجْعَلْنِي عَلَى خَزَائِنِ الأَرْضِ إِنِّي حَفِيظٌ عَلِيم ٌ
Qāla Aj`alnī `Alá Khazā'ini Al-'ArĐi 'Innī Ĥafīžun `Alīmun

He said: "Appoint me over the granaries of the land, for I know how to keep records and I am knowledgeable."

وَمَا كَانَ لَه ُُ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ سُلْطَان ٍ إِلاَّ لِنَعْلَمَ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِالآخِرَةِ مِمَّنْ هُوَ مِنْهَا فِي شَكّ ٍ وَرَبُّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَفِيظ ٌ
Wa Mā Kāna Lahu `Alayhim Min Sulţānin 'Illā Lina`lama Man Yu'uminu Bil-'Ākhirati Mimman Huwa Minhā Fī Shakkin Wa Rabbuka `Alá Kulli Shay'in Ĥafīžun

And he did not have any authority over them except that We might distinguish those who believed in the Hereafter from those who are doubtful about it. And your Lord is Keeper over all things.

وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِهِ~ِ أَولِيَاءَ اللَّهُ حَفِيظٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَمَا أَنْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِوَكِيل ٍ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Attakhadhū Min Dūnihi 'Awliyā'a Allāhu Ĥafīžun `Alayhim Wa Mā 'Anta `Alayhim Biwakīlin

And those who take allies besides Him, God is responsible for them; and you are not a guardian over them.

فَإِنْ أَعْرَضُوا فَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفِيظا ً إِنْ عَلَيْكَ إِلاَّ الْبَلاَغُ وَإِنَّا إِذَا أَذَقْنَا الإِنسَانَ مِنَّا رَحْمَة ً فَرِحَ بِهَا وَإِنْ تُصِبْهُمْ سَيِّئَة ٌ بِمَا قَدَّمَتْ أَيْدِيهِمْ فَإِنَّ الإِنسَانَ كَفُور ٌ
Fa'in 'A`raĐū Famā 'Arsalnāka `Alayhim Ĥafīžāan 'In `Alayka 'Illā Al-Balāghu Wa 'Innā 'Idhā 'Adhaqnā Al-'Insāna Minnā Raĥmatan Fariĥa Bihā Wa 'In Tuşibhum Sayyi'atun Bimā Qaddamat 'Aydīhim Fa'inna Al-'Insāna Kafūrun

But if they turn away, then We did not send you as their guardian. You are only required to deliver. And when We let man taste a mercy from Us, he becomes happy with it; and when adversity afflicts them for what their hands have delivered, then man becomes rejecting!

قَدْ عَلِمْنَا مَا تَنْقُصُ الأَرْضُ مِنْهُمْ وَعِنْدَنَا كِتَابٌ حَفِيظ ٌ
Qad `Alimnā Mā Tanquşu Al-'ArĐu Minhum Wa `Indanā Kitābun Ĥafīžun

We know which of them has become consumed with the earth; and We have with Us a record which keeps track.

هَذَا مَا تُوعَدُونَ لِكُلِّ أَوَّابٍ حَفِيظ ٍ
Hādhā Mā Tū`adūna Likulli 'Awwābin Ĥafīžin

This is what you have been promised, for every obedient, steadfast.


vb. (3) impf. act.

وَهَذَا كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاه ُُ مُبَارَك ٌ مُصَدِّقُ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَلِتُنذِرَ أُمَّ الْقُرَى وَمَنْ حَوْلَهَا وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالآخِرَةِ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِه ِِ وَهُمْ عَلَى صَلاَتِهِمْ يُحَافِظُونَ
Wa Hadhā Kitābun 'Anzalnāhu Mubārakun Muşaddiqu Al-Ladhī Bayna Yadayhi Wa Litundhira 'Umma Al-Qurá Wa Man Ĥawlahā Wa Al-Ladhīna Yu'uminūna Bil-'Ākhirati Yu'uminūna Bihi Wa Hum `Alá Şalātihim Yuĥāfižūna

And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed, authenticating what is between his hands, and that you may warn the capital of the towns and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they maintain their contact prayer.

وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ عَلَى صَلَوَاتِهِمْ يُحَافِظُونَ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Hum `Alá Şalawātihim Yuĥāfižūna

And those who maintain their contact prayers.

وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ عَلَى صَلاَتِهِمْ يُحَافِظُونَ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Hum `Alá Şalātihim Yuĥāfižūna

And those who maintain their contact prayer.


حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلاَةِ الْوُسْطَى وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ
Ĥāfižū `Alá Aş-Şalawāti Wa Aş-Şalāati Al-Wusţá Wa Qūmū Lillāhi Qānitīna

Maintain the contact prayers; and the middle contact prayer; and stand for God dutifully.


vb. (10) perf. pass.

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَا التَّوْرَاةَ فِيهَا هُدى ً وَنُور ٌ يَحْكُمُ بِهَا النَّبِيُّونَ الَّذِينَ أَسْلَمُوا لِلَّذِينَ هَادُوا وَالرَّبَّانِيُّونَ وَالأَحْبَارُ بِمَا اسْتُحْفِظُوا مِنْ كِتَابِ اللَّهِ وَكَانُوا عَلَيْهِ شُهَدَاءَ فَلاَ تَخْشَوْا النَّاسَ وَاخْشَوْنِي وَلاَ تَشْتَرُوا بِآيَاتِي ثَمَنا ً قَلِيلا ً وَمَنْ لَمْ يَحْكُمْ بِمَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُوْلَائِكَ هُمُ الْكَافِرُونَ
'Innā 'Anzalnā At-Tawrāata Fīhā Hudáan Wa Nūrun Yaĥkumu Bihā An-Nabīyūna Al-Ladhīna 'Aslamū Lilladhīna Hādū Wa Ar-Rabbānīyūna Wa Al-'Aĥbāru Bimā Astuĥfižū Min Kitābi Allāhi Wa Kānū `Alayhi Shuhadā'a Falā Takhshaw An-Nāsa Wa Akhshawnī Wa Lā Tashtarū Bi'āyātī Thamanāan Qalīlāan Wa Man Lam Yaĥkum Bimā 'Anzala Allāhu Fa'ūlā'ika Humu Al-Kāfirūna

We have sent down the Torah, in it is a guidance and a light; the prophets who have submitted judged with it for those who are Jewish, and the Devotees, and the Priests, for what they were entrusted of the Book of God, and they were witness over. So do not be concerned with the people but be concerned with Me; and do not purchase with My revelations a cheap price. And whoever does not judge with what God has sent down, then these are the rejecters.

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 2, page: 237, 238, 239

Lelah Bakhtiar
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would like to thank all those who made these Root Pages possible.

In their formulation we have drawn from the work of ...
 Hans Wehr 
  Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
  All the believers at www.studyquran.org